Simo Idrissi’s soccer player mentality is a unique approach to soccer that emphasizes mental strength and focus as key components of success. In this interview, Simo Idrissi, a former soccer player and now an elite coach, shares his insights on focus and mental strength in soccer games. He discusses how various psychological factors can influence a player’s performance and how mental training and practical activities can help them improve their focus and cope with pressure. To understand soccer players’ mentality, we should ask the players themselves.
Nobody can feel players’ decision-making, even though we read more about mental strength and mental fatigue. Today, Simo Idrissi is invited, a former soccer player and now an elite coach, to our platform. Our questions are about his soccer-player mentality to find answers that are not random or scattered. We have invited Simo Idrissi to our platform multiple times, and he has always shared accurate descriptions of many topics. We will ask a scientific question today. By the way, as of today, Simo Idrissi is a head coach and has experience as a technical director, many licenses, and a Master’s degree in sports and health science.
Journalist: Many people watch and analyze games, providing feedback to players and coaches. Players prepare mentally and physically and learn what to do in each game. However, focus management is something that players and coaches cannot easily control. So, how can players maintain concentration throughout a 90-minute or 120-minute game? It is your experience and we want to know what Simo Idrissi’s soccer player mentality is.
Simo Idrissi Answer: As a center-midfielder, I was good at passing the ball and knew my strengths and weaknesses. I did not care about showing off or playing more to impress the coach. Instead, I played my role to the best of my ability and added more when necessary. Some people are born with resistant mentalities, while others are subjected to pressures that make them weak. Psychological factors such as self-talk can make people strong or weak.
What makes people drop performance is upbringing. When I was under 19, I did not know what psychological weakness was. I did not care about anything other than my performance and maintaining my position on the team. My self-talk was unlimited positive and straightforward. Many players suffered from concentration or mental weakness. They did not have the leadership skills to take what they deserved, and they did not have the strength to face challenges. The coach chose them because they were good with the ball and could dribble. However, they would only last for 15 minutes before they became weak, and their performance suffered.

Some move away from reality and focus on coaching attention and attraction. I completely respected the coach for working hard to enhance his tactical implementation on the field. This is what differentiates players in any game. Good players should manage their thoughts better and know their weaknesses beforehand. The first step is to develop emotional intelligence and integrate it into mental training. For example, I used to play soccer in the streets of Morocco as a child. I was in control of my decisions and always thought about how to find solutions without any help. This required a lot of mental strength, but as I grew older, I became more vulnerable to other things that distracted me. These distractions can hinder a player’s concentration.
Everyone experiences poor concentration at some point in life. This is an estimation of the winning or losing factor in a soccer game an estimation of the winning or losing factor in a soccer game. However, if players lose focus earlier in the game, it is a sign that they need mental training. Soccer games need physical readiness to manage the volume, and a brain needs conditioning to last longer under pressure.
The human mind is like a muscle, but to train the brain, one does not need to play with flashlights. To enhance focus, players need practical activities that replicate each situation. The stronger the nervous system is, the better it can focus. Mental functionality is created by electrical waves that are activated when people use their brains. For example, a student who wants to read a book for two hours may find their mind wandering after one hour and forty minutes. Others may lose focus before 30 minutes. The same is true for soccer players. The ability to focus is the brain’s ability to pay attention to one or more things without being distracted.
Journalist: What are some ways that players can enhance their focus and mental strength during soccer games?
Simo Idrissi: I like direct questions that I can answer to the best of my ability. Based on Simo Idrissi’s soccer player mentality question. When I was 16 years old, the head coach combined our team with older players. He told us that we would be running for 2.5 miles, while the older players would be running for 5 miles. I immediately wondered why we were only expected to run half as far as the older players. I asked the coach, and he said that it was up to us to decide how far we wanted to run. Most of the players on my team were satisfied with running 2.5 miles, but four of us were not. We accepted the challenge and ran the full 5 miles.
When we finished, the coach asked us why we had chosen to continue. I didn’t know why I had kept going, but I realized that by completing the challenge, I had broken down one obstacle. I was now brave enough to break down more. This experience taught me that I am capable of more than I think. It also taught me the importance of setting goals and working hard to achieve them. I am grateful for the opportunity to have learned these lessons, and I will continue to challenge myself in the future.
Journalist: You are a person who values honesty, curiosity, and ambition. Simo you enjoy overcoming challenges and growing as a person. We noticed that you are proud of your achievements and motivated to pursue your goals. You appreciate the guidance and support of your coach and teammates. You want to show your potential and make a positive impact in the world. Nevertheless, I require more details on this issue.

Simo Idrissi: At the start of the season, our team was doing well. We were beating other teams. However, when the second half of the season started, all of the other teams improved their performance. We, on the other hand, became complacent because of our previous victories. We thought that we would be able to beat any team, regardless of their level of play. This led to our downfall. We lost our first two games of the second half of the season. The coach was furious. He asked us, “Who are you?” I answered him, “We are the same team that was winning before. We just learned a valuable lesson today: arrogance does not go hand-in-hand with patience.” As the team captain, I spoke to my teammates. I told them, “We are the ones who create our focus. We are the ones who maintain it. If any of you think that you know how the game will go, you are wrong. From now until the end of the season, we will not be arrogant. We will focus on the task at hand.” From that day on, everyone on the team changed their attitude. We returned to our previous focus and determination. The coach did not need to do anything. He just reminded us of what we should be doing. I did not solve the problem. I just reminded them to focus. Focus is the key to success in any sport. It is the ability to block out distractions and concentrate on the task at hand. Focus is the difference between winning and losing. A sports psychologist can help athletes to improve their focus. They can teach athletes how to control their thoughts and emotions, and how to stay focused in the face of pressure. Sports psychology can help athletes to reach their full potential.
Simo Idrissi, a former soccer player and now an elite coach, shares his insights on focus and mental strength in soccer games in this interview. Simo Idrissi’s soccer player mentality was a beneficial interview. We learned his personal stories of how he overcame challenges and motivated his team with his concentration and determination. Idrissi discusses how various psychological factors can influence a player’s performance and how mental training and practical activities can help them improve their focus and cope with pressure. Simo hopes to inspire other athletes with his lessons and goals. His interest in the position and showcases his skills and qualifications as a coach is clear. He also shows his curiosity and enthusiasm by asking important questions about the company and the role. He concludes politely and asks for the job directly.